Andrii Sherman
Andrii Sherman16mo ago

Do you have a dashboard to check everything that was cached on a server?

Do you have a dashboard to check everything that was cached on a server? Or how it can be checked?
5 Replies
Rhys16mo ago
No dashboard yet, the plan is to add one which gives you insights into both what your community is asking about and also discoverability I.e # indexed pages, page views, server invites used etc For now, there’s a few ways you can see indexed content: 1. View your community page and see questions indexed on it 2. Search google with the query “ Drizzle Team” Neither of these solutions are too great but they do let you get a rough sense of what’s been indexed
Answer Overflow
Drizzle Team Community Page
The community page for Drizzle Team on Answer Overflow.
Andrii Sherman
Andrii Sherman16mo ago
actually first link is great for now
Rhys16mo ago
👍 sounds good you can access that from the /server-settings command at any time also
Andrii Sherman
Andrii Sherman16mo ago
oh, great! thanks a lot! Will continue testing So far seems to be great and the same, if any questions you'll have with drizzle - you are open to ping me directly for that
Rhys16mo ago
Sounds good! Now I can ask answer overflow / google first though 😉