17 Replies

all those were at least 12 hours or more ago
@mwlica could you link to the pages that’s occurring on please? Thanks
Answer Overflow
“There was an error talking to the database” - Someone's x Waya
Bot randomly stopped working and says “There was an error talking to the database”.
Answer Overflow
How do I edit permissions after I set up the bot - Someone's x Waya
It's the waya bot, and I don't know how to set it up ;-;
Ah it’s since the bot isn’t able to send the solution id question id message
If you make sure the bot can send embeds and messages it’ll work
because I delete that one
it looks ugly in chat
Yeah it uses that to get the solution id and message it’s when indexing
why isn’t that stored in a database
It is stored in a database as well
then why not use it from the database lol
storing data in a chat the website relies on isnt really a good thing to do
I’m aware of that it’s just from when it was implemented originally from a while ago, hasn’t really need to be redone since then
The main thing was originally it was a bit of a pain to figure out what needed to be indexed next, and so when you marked the solution of a post if it’d add that to the database, then it’d make it more difficult to figure out what posts between that one and the last one that was indexed were
It’s easier to do now I just haven’t gone thru and updated it
let me know when the issue is fixed
Will do, it’ll be about ~4 weeks until I’m back from vacation and I can work on it