Bot does not post consent prompt automatically
Hello 👋
Our bot does not send the consent prompt automatically. /send-consent-promt does work and the notice about messages being indexed has been added to the server rules and the posts channel.
What configurations need to be done, to automatically send the prompt?
21 Replies
Heyo, would you be able to provide me a link to the channel this is occuring in and a server invite please?
It may be if you have forum post guidelines consent (this thing) enabled - then the bot doesn't send the consent prompt as the prompt is already in the guidelines

Maybe we've just set it up incorrectly
I think we do have that. But I need to check quickly

Yep so since you have that, the consent prompt won't be sent in new threads since consent is handled via them agreeing to the forum post guidelines

Is that the behavior you're expecting? Just want to make sure that's right
Not necessarily. I want to see that message. I think almost nobody is even aware of this bot on the server...
You'd like the mark as solved instruction message to be sent?

This here would be nice to have, yes
Gotcha, to enable that go to /channel-settings -> help channel utilies and enable both of those

Send Mark Solution Instructions - Answer Overflow Docs
Improve & index your Discord help channels into Google with Answer Overflow
Ah okay, missed that. I'll enable it and check if it works 🙂
Thank you for the help
Happy to help, we're working on making this more intuitive it's not great at the moment ðŸ˜
Right now, it looks like this

I assume the green button enables the message?
Yep, that should say 'Enable send mark as solution instructions in new threads" that's a typo sorry
But yeah the green button is what you want

Thank you 🙂
for sure!