"Search the X community" searches globally?
Is it a bug or by design that the searchbar when the textbox says "Search for the X community" leads you to a global search of everything?
3 Replies
searching for something like "w2" takes you to https://www.answeroverflow.com/search?q=w2
Search Results for "w2" - Answer Overflow
Search for answers to your questions on Answer Overflow.
https://github.com/AnswerOverflow/AnswerOverflow/blob/bb52eac22f4fab68e305be5c57d65dfe34c3c864/apps/main-site/src/app/%5Bdomain%5D/(core)/search/page.tsx#L8 my guess is q is the only value accepted as a queryparam
Indexing Discord Help Channel Questions into Google - AnswerOverflow/AnswerOverflow
Looks like thats a bug I'll get that fixed