Application Error when using the search icon on a custom domain
Howdy, just noticed that our search button is throwing an application error when clicked:
Tested this on a few different devices and networks with the same result, though it doesn't seem to affect other Answer Overflow sites 🤔

10 Replies
Hey sorry about that I’ll take a look into it this evening
Np, thanks for the help
I got the same issue, so its not only you
I’ve found the problem and should have a fix out for it tonight
Just thought i'd add that i am getting this the first time i navigate to a page, without using the search at all. If i reload it goes away. Will this fix solve this as well?
That’s a different fix but that’s also going in tonight
Sorry holidays have been a lil crazy 😅 will be getting these fixes in
it's all good, i know exactly what you mean. I'm trying to get some changes out myself and man time is a real problem at this time of year 😂
this should be fixed now
cc @lasse should be fixed now
Nice work!
All good on my end 😀
Nice, works for me!
Thanks for your quick help on this stuff