Suggestion: don't index main page, but index the messages

If i search for any particular question: "How to get a value from selected row on a table?" marimo" , the Google response is my home page rather than the particular message. 1) since the home page is changing, i would probably not index that, and instead just rely on indexing each message page. 2) not sure if the thread pages are being indexed (at least for, or maybe still in progess on google's end
marimo Community
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4 Replies
dan1st3w ago
I think Google wants the links to be there so the actual pages get found more easily
Myles Scolnick
i've tweaked some settings in to hopefully nudge google. i gave it the sitemap so hopefully that helps. i think regarding indexing the homepage, maybe for bots you special case and just render static content (navigation, site title, site description). otherwise the homepage may "hit" for some content, but when you click that link, the content is gone. may be smart about this (?)
Rhys3w ago
Let me see what I can do to make Google recommend that page less, it’s important to have as it gives structure to the crawler If you just present only message page links then Google won’t crawl them as they’ll think the site isn’t designed for humans I’d also recommend putting a backlink to your Answer Overflow community from your main site as that’ll help with crawling
Myles Scolnick
awesome, thanks!