Answer Overflow


Answer Overflow

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When user used reaction manually, mark post as answer

Hi, very often users are not smart enough to mark the post as the correct answer and instead they just use the reaction in the post. Would be very helpful to get the option, that bot then marks the post as the correct answer....

Differentiate between resolved and won'tfix

That'd involve adding an additional "won't fix"/"unanswerable" tag.

Search Filter

It would be great if there is search filter. Such as order by recent date.

"Request an Insight" button does not seem to work

"Request an Insight" button does not seem to work

Suggestion: don't index main page, but index the messages

If i search for any particular question: "How to get a value from selected row on a table?" marimo" , the Google response is my home page rather than the particular message. 1) since the home page is changing, i would probably not index that, and instead just rely on indexing each message page. 2) not sure if the thread pages are being indexed (at least for, or maybe still in progess on google's end...

Custom Names don't work with webhook messages

We are using webhooks for a channel indexed by AnswerOverflow (all messages in this channel come from a webhook). When we enabled indexing, all messages first appeared anonymized (all with the same name and profile picture) - also we didn't have anonymization enabled for that channel. Now when we had more messages coming in, the bot recognized the webhook as consented (using forum channel consent) and used the same name for all messages (it just used one of the names of the authors). ...

Custom help system support

Many Communities have custom help systems based on forum channels, threads or possibly even moving/creating temporary channels (I don't know how common that still is, we had such a system before threads were a feature). While most of these systems can use AnswerOverflow index the questions and comments/messages/answers, these systems csnnot really use the "solved" mechanism or it would be weird as it would be necessary for users to mark the posts as solved with AnswerOverflow and then close the post. In our Community, we just disabled the "Mark as solved" context menu command via Discord permissions and don't use that feature at all even though we have a system where users can "close" their questions. ...

Dashboard from profile seem to take you to /dashboard endpoint?

See image.. clicking on "Dashboard" from profile takes me directly to, which gives a 404. i think it either needs to go to the community ID, or /onboarding or something.
should be fixed now - it might take a little bit to update
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Custom 'Join Server' Btn

Can you please custom the 'Join Server' Btn Text? It is not familiar context to Korean. So we need to change the text. Can you provide the function or customize our domain ?...

mentions vs (pseudo-)anonymization

Looking atthis part of the sources, it seems like the text of mentions is indexed/shown on the website. However, it is possible that the mentioned user did not give consent and/or should be anonymized which would be "broken" by the mention. Ideally, mentions should be anonymized just like other usernames....
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website outdated

On the homepage (, it says "Answer Overflow is open source and MIT licensed", but it seems answer overflow has now switched to the source available "functional source license". Would be good to update that.

Searching logic

This is regarding the search functionality within the hosting page. It seems like the search is message-centric. We are using Post Channels, and in this case, not only messages but also thread (=Post) titles are important. Can we confirm the following two points? Whether the title is included in the search logic. If it is included in the search logic, can we configure the display priority?...

support discord direct link

On the mirrored page, it would be great if you could provide a link that allows users to navigate to the original Discord thread.
We support that currently with the discord icon

support favicon

In the search results on the right, the first one is the previous Discourse we were using, and the second one is the new addition, Answer Overflow. It looks like Answer Overflow doesn't display site images, but can it be supported using Discord channel icons?
Yes we will add support for custom Favicons
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Strategies for preventing malicious users from spamming forums with unrelated or nsfw content?

Is there any current setup or feedback circles where server admins can have a sort of "wait to publish" feature in case rogue users attempt to spam an answeroverflow powered forum?

"Search the X community" searches globally?

Is it a bug or by design that the searchbar when the textbox says "Search for the X community" leads you to a global search of everything?
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Image previews not showing special characters?

Take this post for example the title has a question mark. Attached to this forum post is a photo of what an image preview looks like to discord. It seems that the question mark / special character doesn't appear?...
Yep that’s a bug, thanks for the report I’ll fix it

Support for text embeds?

Not sure how this can work with the discord API (i do see Would be good for longform answers instead of breaking it up into multiple messages
File previews are planned but also I think are gonna be a bit of a security nightmare so I need to make sure they’re implemented correctly
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Should an answered forum post be automatically closed on discord's end?

Since each server gets 1000 threads, an active Q&A server can easily hit that. Wondering if we can send in feedback for feature request to auto-close a thread if forum post is answered. (Right now I'm somewhat going to solve this using mee6 automation)
Ah yeah that'd be good I'll add a setting for that

Option to changed the marked answer

Hi Guys 🙂 sometimes it happens that a newer answer it the right answer cause somebody found an even better solution for the question. So it would be helpful when you are able to change the marked answer. At the moment its not possible, see screenshot....
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